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receiver transmitter中文是什么意思

用"receiver transmitter"造句"receiver transmitter"怎么读"receiver transmitter" in a sentence


  • 收发两用机


  • Uart universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
  • Uart universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
  • Universal asynchronous receiver transmitter
  • Universal synchronous receiver transmitter
  • A component consisting of four separate receiver transmitter combinations , designed for use with a bidirectional bus system , such as a data bus
  • The bluetooth specification supports uart universal asynchronous receiver transmitter and usb transport mechanisms for bluetooth hci packets
    Bluetooth规范支持针对bluetooth hci数据分组的uart (通用异步接收器/传送器)和usb传输机制。
  • In chapter 5 we discuss the design of ieee754 standard fpu ( floating point unit ) . processor and uart ( universal asynchronous receiver transmitter ) , these cores are used in this dissertation , fpu is used for floating point complex fft processor , uart is used for fft processor " s peripheral and our test platform . in chapter 6 we discuss the design for testability , including atpg , bist and jtag method , discuss the different verification and simulation strategy in soc scale facing to different modules , build up the test platform which is used to test high performance application specified digital signal processing processor . in chapter 7 we summarize the research results and creative points , and point out the further work need to do in the future
    第五章提出了基于ieee754浮点标准的浮点运算处理器的设计和异步串行通信核的设一浙江大学博士学位论文计,提出了适合硬件实现的浮点乘除法、加减运算的结构,浮点运算处理器主要用于高速fft浮点处理功能,异步串行通信核主要用于pft处理器ip核的外围扩展模块以及本文所做的验证测试平台中的数据接口部分第六章提出了面向系统级芯片的可测试性设计包括了基于扫描测试atpg 、内建自测试bist 、边界扫描测试jtag设计,在讨论可测试性设计策略选择的问题上,提出了针对不同模块进行的分别测试策略,提出了层次化jtag测试方法和扫描总线法,提出了基于fpga
用"receiver transmitter"造句  
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